Use Luma's superior technology to elevate your financial services

Luma’s financial technology platform helps financial advisors learn, buy, create, and track structured products and annuities. All in one place. Customized to meet your needs.

The Award-Winning Luma Platform

Discover the superior technology that has earned Luma global recognition, making it the trusted platform for financial professionals to more easily manage and transact structured products and annuities.

New! Structured Product Information Hub

Explore solutions and resources with structured notes and market-linked CDs by starting with what you know!

Access the Structured Product Information Hub

Expand your product offerings and be more efficient with Luma’s financial platform.

Access the widest selection of market-linked investments

Buy and manage structured products and annuities in minutes, not days

Fully customize the platform to your firm’s requirements and workflows

Mitigate risk through built-in compliance checks

Track all performance from one place

Eliminate manual, spreadsheet-based processes

Objective and buy-side focused: designed by advisors, for advisors

If structured products and annuities were easier to manage, how much could you grow your business?

Product complexities, regulations, and time-consuming manual processes often hinder advisors from taking advantage of structured products and annuities. Luma simplifies the entire process. It’s fully customizable, connects you to more issuers and carriers than any other platform, and empowers you to expand the products you offer clients. For nearly a decade, broker dealers and registered investment advisors have used Luma to increase revenue and expand their offerings.


Learning Center

Learn how to leverage structured products and annuities and present them to clients

Meet compliance requirements by gating product access based on training completion

Create custom training requirements for your firm’s advisors

Learning Center Screenshot
Structured Products Screenshot

Product Marketplace

Customizable order entry system, built for efficiency, speed, and compliance

Monitor, approve, and place orders in minutes, not days

Easily find structured products and annuities that meet your clients’ financial objectives


Creation Hub

Create custom deals and take ownership of the entire price discovery process

Assess the best opportunities for your clients

Use our analytics to determine the value of the deal at every step

Creation Hub Screenshot
Lifecycle Manager Screenshot

Lifecycle Manager

Track all trades and policies from one screen, accessible anywhere at anytime

Automated notifications so you never miss a product lifecycle event or opportunity

Quickly download term sheets and performance reports


Fast-track your ability to expand your structured product and annuity offerings


Get a personalized walk-through

We’ll discuss your goals and how the system can solve your challenges


Customize Luma for your firm

Modify the system to integrate into your workflows, risk tolerance, and compliance requirements


Expand your book of business

Efficient order-entry, customize product solutions, and track post-sale performance in one place

Client Testimonials

While annuities aren’t new to the US market, making sure each client is matched with the best product to meet their unique goals requires a lot of research. With Luma Compare, We’re able to instantly compare projected growth and income on three products at once. This saves a lot of time and give us more opportunities to elevate the services we provide to our clients.

Jim N.

Luma’s innovative platform provides an invaluable solution that lets me quickly create, assess, and manage custom deals for my clients’ portfolio solutions.

Ben B.

As my clients’ trusted advisor, it’s my responsibility to make sure I’m not only doing what’s in their best interest, but exploring product solutions to drive the optimal outcomes that my clients have come to expect. Luma makes it easy to manage my alt business by creating and submitting custom deals directly to the issuers I want to do business with.

Mike M.

Imagine simplifying structured products and annuities. 

How much more could you elevate your services?
